This is a post about making a home made plastic bag dispenser. That is the rock and roll life I lead. But my sister got my a fat quarter of fabric with awesome dinosaurs on it. I wanted to make something cool from it but there wasn't enough for clothes and, since the fabric is a light colour, a bag wouldn't have stayed clean very long.
So, since I have numerous plastic bags under my bed from trips out shopping when I forgot my shopping bag when shopping, or remembered it but still needed extra bags because I was on a health kick and bought mountains of fruit to take home, or purposely took a tiny bag because I didn't want to carry a big bag only to find it entirely inadequate for needs after the first shop, and I need to use my plastic bags to justify their existence.
Anyway the bag was simple to make.
1. Fold the fabric in half right sides together and sew up the open side.

2. Fold over the open ends and pin around to create a tube for elastic.

3. Attach some ribbon to the ends and sew them down.

4. Feed through the elastic.

5. Turn the Dispenser right way out and fill with plastic bags.
So, since I have numerous plastic bags under my bed from trips out shopping when I forgot my shopping bag when shopping, or remembered it but still needed extra bags because I was on a health kick and bought mountains of fruit to take home, or purposely took a tiny bag because I didn't want to carry a big bag only to find it entirely inadequate for needs after the first shop, and I need to use my plastic bags to justify their existence.
Anyway the bag was simple to make.
1. Fold the fabric in half right sides together and sew up the open side.
2. Fold over the open ends and pin around to create a tube for elastic.
3. Attach some ribbon to the ends and sew them down.
4. Feed through the elastic.
5. Turn the Dispenser right way out and fill with plastic bags.