I have a lot of trouble buying trousers...well not with buying trousers but with finding ones that fit. I have become quite an expert at buying trews that don't fit. The issue is not with size but with shape, I have no issue with wearing a size 10 or a size 20 if that's how the shop wants to size their clothes (although some consistency through the high street
would be appreciated) but you can't take a size 10 designed for a thin woman with no curves and just make it bigger and expect it to fit a fairly slim woman with some curves.

Anyway, my issue is that to fit over my thighs and butt I have to get a size far to big for my waist, so there is always gapping around the waist, especially at the back. I was contemplating taking them in at the waist and thinking that removing the waist band and cutting a chunk out of it, taking in the trousers and reattching the waist band was the best way. Which gave me a stress head and I threw them in the corner of the room and ignored them for a while.

Enter the internet! And I saw something on pinterest about using elastic in the back of the waistband, so that's what I tried.
I cut two small strips of elastic and sewed them (with zig zag stitch to allow for stretch) in the back of the waist band, I pulled them taut and then sewed so that they scrunched closed after sewing taking the trousers in. It took a few attempts because zig zag sewing of taut elastic is not easy especially when you are at least partially incompetent.
On the whole I am quite pleased with the results- clearly this is a quick fix not a super perfect fix, and it would be better to find trousers to fit to begin with. But the elastic gives the trousers a bit of stretch meaning the gap in the back is closed but the trousers will stretch open if I'm having a fat day.